Iso-Tip Proudly Supports Aerospace, Medical and Engineering Programs

Iso-Tip supports Philadelphia’s Northeast High School Aerospace, Medical, and Engineering Magnet Program.  Here is a little info about this notable organization…

“Students come from all over Philadelphia to the Northeast High School Aerospace, Medical, and Engineering Magnet Program. Over 600 students are currently enrolled in this program and it has seen many notable alumni from astronauts to athletes.  These students expect an education to help motivate and drive them to their goals in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) related areas.

One of the academic clubs within the school has been promoting STEM since 1960, Project SPARC. This club allows students to follow their passion through six sub-groups that make up Project SPARC. Sub-groups include flight management, medical, engineering, computers, administration, and robotics. Our robotics group has competed in multiple competitions over the years and now focuses solely on two: MATE ROV Challenge and First Tech Challenge. We have over 40 students in our team the “Northeast Robotics Development Specialist” (NERDS).  We have won over 15 awards from state and regional level competitions over the last three years. And for the first time last year our team had qualified for the International Mate Competition in which we will be competing with teams from all over the world.” – NERDS Program Advisor

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