Our Quick Charge Pro Soldering Iron is great for any type of project you are working on. One of our long time customers who had been using our old 7500-SI Model Soldering Iron recently upgraded to our Model #7700 to make this Oatmeal Box Crystal Radio. Dennis worked on this with one of the young kids in his neighborhood. It is awesome to hear about young kids becoming interested in our soldering tools. Maybe these young kids will even put it our cordless soldering irons on their Christmas list! We do recommend for anyone under the age of 16 to have adult supervision when working with our soldering irons. Our soldering irons reach temperatures of 900°F in less than 10 seconds. Dennis and his young friend sent us over some pictures of their finished product. Their creation has not been hooked up to the antenna yet, but rumor has it, the unit will work flawlessly.
Click here to purchase the 7700 Iron!
If you are interested in making your own Oatmeal Box Crystal Radio CLICK HERE, it will take you to a website that further explains the project that our friend Dennis worked on.
Quick Charge Pro Cordless Soldering Iron
The Quick Charge Soldering Iron Kit is the world’s #1 rechargeable soldering iron kit designed with the professional in mind. The 7700 cordless soldering iron kit is our basic unit and the biggest seller for a good reason. We like to think of it as the “crank up window” of our soldering irons. It’s dependable, bullet proof and has an easy battery charge. It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles our other models feature, but it gets the job done and done well. The 7700 soldering iron kit fully recharges in 4 hours and outputs 125 solder joints per charge.
For more information about the Quick Charge Pro cordless soldering iron, click here.