BATTERY POWERED soldering irons

& accessories

Order yours today to see the difference!

Battery Powered Soldering Irons

Ideal for the service technician, craftsman or hobbyist, these cordless soldering irons and accessories offer convenient operation with a light-weight and balanced design to guard against user-fatigue. Electrical leaks and damage are completely eliminated due to direct current operation and the use of our isolated ceramic tips. The cordless soldering irons have a power rating of 25 watts and reach a tip temperature of 900°F in less than ten seconds. 

If you’ve never tried one of our cordless soldering irons and accessories, we hope you will. 

How to unsolder for your repairs


There’s a lot in our name. For more than 40 years we’ve been building the 7000 series portable soldering irons and the pro’s tell us they stand apart from the rest.

Our Isolated Tip design gives high temps fast at the push of a button, up to 900°F in less than 10 seconds! You might find yourself done with the job while other irons are still heating up. By isolating the tip we prevent electrical leakage that may cause component damage while soldering. Most portable soldering irons offer only a few tip choices, so over the years we have developed more than 20 tips to meet your soldering needs. Our High Efficiency tips give you a quicker heat-up time and use less battery life. The Long Life tips are nickel plated and designed for more continual use and will meet the needs of your tougher tasks. Our long list of standard tips will work well for your general soldering needs. For over 40 years, professionals have looked to us for advancements in portable soldering and we have enjoyed meeting that challenge.

If you’ve never tried one of our cordless soldering irons we hope you will. We also supply other “tools worth discovering” for heating, finish work and the tough soldering jobs. If you have a need let us know, we do appreciate input from the people that use our products. Not all cordless soldering irons and especially tips are the same. Let us know what you think, we enjoy what we do and appreciate the people we do it for.

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This soldering iron is worth every penny [Model #8000].

It comes to soldering temperature quickly.

Since it shuts off after each joint the tips remain intact

I absolutely love this iron and expect it to last for many years.

I’ve heard many great things about these irons [Model #7700] and their lifespan, so I decided to buy this to help in my search for a portable soldering iron…My favorite feature is the fact that it is heat-on-demand, with 45 watts in such a small tip, temperature control is easy and it heats up super fast. 

It works exactly as I remember, great for small parts soldering.

I had one of these (mine was red with an led on the front) over 30 years ago. The battery went dead and I didn’t know how to get it replaced so I threw it out. Always wanted another one and finally found this one [Model #7700]. It works exactly as I remember, great for small parts soldering. I am surprised the design was not updated to use lithium ion batteries. But then they would increase the cost.

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#7710 Soldering Iron Review

Recently, YouTuber KK6USY Ham Radio Adventures expressed interest in experimenting with one of our soldering irons. After some discussions, he decided to make a review on our #7710 soldering iron kit! To purchase our #7710 soldering iron kit, click here! At the start...

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Best Portable Soldering Iron

Best Portable Soldering Iron

Recently, YouTuber KM4ACK expressed interest in experimenting with one of our soldering irons. After some discussions, he decided to make a review on our #7710 soldering iron kit! Based on the review's title being 'Best Portable Soldering Iron', we already have an...

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